distant reiki session, as it enables the giver to focus their energies and the receiver to be open to the healing energy being shared. It is said that distant reiki is an ancient art that stems from the understanding that all beings are connected to the same energy source.">

Distant Reiki: Exploring the True Reach of the World's Most Trusted Energy Healing Technique

The Reiki principles

What is Distant Reiki?

Distant reiki is a form of energy healing practiced by those trained in the Reiki tradition. It is believed that one can manipulate the energy of the universe or other person, regardless of physical distance. One can offer healing support while being physically separated from the client.

The Benefits of Distant Reiki

The benefits of distant reiki healing can be felt by both the giver and the receiver. For the person giving the healing, the act of offering support can be rewarding. The receiver of the healing will benefit from the energy exchange that takes place during the session. Additionally, the energy exchange often leads to a sense of peace and wellbeing.

The Reiki principles

distance healing offers

Preparation for Distant Reiki

When setting up an energy healing session, it is important that both the giver and the receiver take the necessary steps for adequate preparation. This includes meditation, setting of an intention for the session, soothing music, and cleaning the space of any negative energy. Once both parties are ready, the healing session can begin.

Understanding the Ancient Art of Distant Reiki

Many believe that offering distant reiki is an ancient form of healing that predates modern medicine. Its foundational principles are grounded in the understanding that everyone is connected to the same source of energy, and that we have the power to harness it to help ourselves and others.

distant reiki

Healing with Reiki